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Wow! Wow! Wow! Three fantastic paddles, three days in a row.

Day 1 Monday .

Eager to get on the water we gobbled our lunch and set off paddling up Glenmaggie Creek. As usual this little paddle didn’t disappoint. Pelicans were out preening themselves and plenty of cattle were grazing right to the water’s edge. Willow trees denuded of their leaves, presented an image of burned forest, no doubt they are ready to spring into life. Not willing to get wet feet,

We turned at the first gravel race and returned to the cars. A delightful way to spend the afternoon before packing up and heading to Stratford Caravan Park for the evening.

Participants:- Roz, Sue R, Michele and Pat.

Day 2 Tuesday.

Today four paddlers set out to paddle the Perry River and part of the Avon River near Stratford we travelled from Stratford Caravan Park to Springberg Lane where there is a small boat ramp to put in on the Avon River.We were on the water by 8.45am. We paddled up the Avon towards Lake Wellington to the confluence of the Perry and Avon rivers, we then paddled up the Perry seeing two pairs of eagles ? and a huge nest atop a large gum tree, the nest was the size and shape of a bathtub. We also saw large numbers of various species of birds including two grey geese flying above and many water birds.

After one and a half hours of paddling on a very scenic river with many twists and turns we finally arrived at a jetty to get out for lunch which was no mean feat as the jetty was quite high out of the water. With quite a bit of gymnastics three paddlers managed to get out on the jetty and one paddler got out cowboy style, that is with assistance from a fellow paddler holding the kayaks nose stable, (of course I got wet feet, but I’m used to that)!

After lunch we tried to get to Perry Bridge but had to turn back when we were a short distance away due to trees and branches across the river. We then reversed our paddle and arrived back to the Avon River jetty, where one paddler capsized disembarking!! Something to work on and perhaps modifying the kayak cockpit may help! Maybe I should get the chainsaw out to make it slightly larger than its present size, alternatively lose 20 kg, not likely unless they send me to a starvation prison camp or similar!


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Day 3 Wednesday.

Today the weather was the best yet – blue skies, no wind, bright sunshine with no clouds. We packed up our gear and headed off, delayed only slightly by the need to de-ice the cars so we could see to drive. We returned to Fishers Riverside Campsite at the end of Springberg Lane (off the Stratford Bengworden Road) where we had put in on the Avon River the day before. This time we turned (westward) upstream, although the current here was so slight it was difficult to detect any movement. The reflections on the water were beautiful, and we had the river to ourselves. After paddling for an hour or so, we pulled up on a sandy bank for some morning tea, then continued past Chinns Bridge which crosses Bengworden Road. The river had been slowly narrowing, and the current increasing a little, and now we found our kayaks only just clearing the bottom in several places as the depth decreased rapidly. Turning around we located a suitable lunch spot and enjoyed the sunshine. All the way we had been seeing many water birds – ducks, grebes, cormorants, shags, pelicans, sea eagles, and even kingfishers. Pat spotted a couple of long-necked turtles. The return trip was soon accomplished, and we were back at the cars soon after 2:00, Pat’s Strava telling us we had travelled about 16 km. Thank you Roz and Pat for organising and leading a lovely trip.

Participants for Tuesday and Wednesday:-Roz (leader), Michele, Pat and Michael H (SBWC).

Michael Haynes.

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