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What will you next adventure be?

  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Paddling
  • Base Camp
  • Hiking

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)



Q. How do I join the South Gippsland Walking and Adventure Club?

A. Joining is easy. Download and complete the Membership Application Form, Sign the Acknowledgement of Risk and Compliance Form, Pay the Membership dues by Bank transfer (preferred) or Cheque and send the completed documents to the Treasurer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. PO Box 557, Leongatha 3953

Q. How much does it cost to join as a member?

A. Membership for the South Gippsland Walking and Adventure Club runs yearly from 1 July to 30 June We prorate our fees each 6 months to ensure you are only paying for the portion of the membership year you are a member.

Our current annual membership fee is $55.00. A reduced annual membership fee of $22.50 is payable by anyone joining between 1 January and 31 March.

Members of Bushwalking Clubs associated with Bushwalking Victoria are able to join as Associate Members once proof of membership is provided. Associate members are entilted to all rights and benefits of membership apart form voting rights. The current membership fee for Associate members is $20 pa (there is no apportionment of the fee over the subscription year).

Q. How can I pay/renew my club membership?

A. Complete the Acknowledgement of Risk and Compliance Form and send it to the Treasurer : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.and make payment via

Electronic Transfer to: Bendigo Bank, BSB No: 633-000, Acc No: 111616660 (preferred) or  Mail cheque to Treasurer, SGWAAC, PO Box 557, Leongatha, 3953,

Q. How do I get my Members Login details?

A. You can Login at any time with to update your profile or access the material on site with your Username and Password which will be provided once your Memebrship application has been accepted and process. Should you misplace or require further assistance with your Login please contact the Secretary – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Booking an Activity

Q. What types of activities are offered to members?

A. The club offers a diverse range of activities ranging from a wander in the bush; a walk down the Prom; trekking across the Victorian Alps and; braving the cold climes of bushwalking heaven in Tasmania; canoeing, and white water rafting down Gippsland Rivers. Cycling, Rogaining and Hot-air ballooning have also featured over the years

Activities range from the short and easy to the occasionally hard multi-day treks and are held both during the week and at week-ends. They are designed to cater for all ages and all fitness levels.

Social events are held regularly to take advantage of both local offerings and those further afield. Dining, cultural, entertainment, exhibitions, and movies all feature on the events calendar

Our many experienced members happily welcome new members and are keen to share their knowledge as newcomers try bushwalking or other activities for the first time. We also have a range of hiking, camping and paddling equipment for hire so that new (and seasoned!) members can try things out before they buy their own.

Q. Are visitors allowed to participate in club activities?

A. Visitors are welcome to participate in up to three club activities before applying for membership. We encourage them to first try some of our many activities to experience bushwalking, cycling, paddling or other events from a ‘Club Perspective’ and in doing so develop new skills, build rapport with a network of likeminded friends and, fulfil your outdoor ambitions

All visitors and members are covered by the Clubs public liability and personal accident insurance held with Bushwalking Victoria. Nevertheless, as some club events are held in remote areas where accessibility maybe difficult, we do encourage all visitors and members to join Ambulance Victoria to protect against the cost of transport and treatment in the case of an emergency. For Insurance and safety purposes visitors will be required sign an Acknowledgement of Risk form.

Q. What do I need for my first walk?

A. There are a number of informative checklists and other material located under the Website ‘Resources’ tab which may prove useful.

There are however, a number of things you need to keep in mind when preparing for the activity to ensure it is an enjoyable experience:

  1. Make sure that the activity grading on the program (easy, medium, hard etc) is within your capabilities. You need to be physically and medically fit for the activity. Talk to the Leader for more detail if you are not sure.
  2. You must disclose to the activity leader any disability that may affect your participation in the activity.
  3. You are also required to inform the activity leader of any recent illness or injuries prior to the start of the activity.

Q. I am already a member of another Bushwalking Club; can I participate as a visitor?

A. If you are a member of another Club affiliated with Bushwalking Club you may join SGWAAC at a subsidised rate as you are not required to pay for insurance cover at multiple clubs. Please refer to the Treasurer for the rate current at the time of application. Alternatively you may participate in an activity as a visitor/temporary member.

Q. How do I cancel a walk booking if I am ill, etc?

A. Contact the Activity Leader ASAP - details are provided on the published Activities schedule

Q. What happens if there is a hot day or a Total Fire Ban predicted?

A. The Walks Co-Ordinator is to use (or equivalent app) to determine the predicted temperature on a given walk day at the designated walk location. If in excess of 32 degrees the walk is to be cancelled. If a Total Fire Ban is declared do not go bushwalking on days that are rated severe, extreme or catastrophic on the Fire Danger Index. On other occasions check with the local fire authority that there are no bush fires or hazard reduction burns in the area you are planning to walk in. Cancel the activity if windy conditions and high temperatures are predicted.

Q. Why do I have to provide personal and other medical details and sign a Acknowledgement of risk to participate in an activity?

A. The safety of Club Members is of prime importance in planning activities and a number of Risk Management measures have been adopted over the years to ensure the safe enjoyment of club events and compliance with recommendations from Bushwalking Victoria, and our insurers.

All participants are required to sign an ‘Acknowledgement of Risks and Obligations of Members’ form prior to undertaking a club event.The form is an acknowledgement that that the participant is undertaking the activity voluntarily and accepts responsibility for loss of property or bodily injury however it may occur and further  that the participant maybe exposed to hazards and risks that could lead to injury, illness or  death or to loss of or damage to property.

The Club requires that Members carry a completed ‘Participants Emergency and Medical Information’ form in a sealed plastic envelope in their pack at all times during a club activity. It is for emergency purposes only. The information is only to be used in the event of illness or injury whilst participating in a club activity.  It will only be accessed by the activity leader or their delegate and given to the relevant medical or emergency services personnel.

Club Meetings

Q. When are club meetings held

A. General Committee or Activity Planning Committee meetings which are held on alternate months on the 4th Thursday commencing at 8.00pm. Details of the meetings can be found on the Activities Program. Meeting Place: Leongatha Community House – 16 Bruce Street, Leongatha

Q. What happens at Club Meetings

A. Club Meetings are a great way to learn more of our activities and help develop our program while socialising with other members. Guest speakers often provide insights into recent development’s, new programs and other matters of interest.

Other Questions

Q. How can I contact the Club?

A: Club contact details are here