Discover our Program

Come and try one of our Activities as our guest

What will you next adventure be?

  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Paddling
  • Base Camp
  • Hiking

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Prospective members are welcome to join us on any event

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Attend as our guest at one of our meetings.

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Members Login

 Any member can request, organise or participate in any club event ...and just beauase you request or suggest an event, it doesn't mean you have to lead it!

It's quite simple, really. Just go to the 'Events' tab on the Website and scroll down to the options 'Register an Activity' or 'Request an Activity' complete the form as best you can and then submit.

Graham Clements, our Tuesday Walks co-ordinator, in particular will be most appreciative of any suggestions, ideas or thoughts you might have.

But don't restrict your suggestions to just Tuesday Walks - let your mind wander - it could be a social event, participation in a good cause, a trip away, a new skill, a training opportunity or ...anything really, so go on, give it a go!

And while you are at it why not join our Facebook Group - membership is restricted to members of the Club so it's quite private - just search SGWAAC