Welcome to the AGM of our walking and adventure club
This year we have been here and there and even back to the Meeniyan Pub
Success both on and off the track to cheer
Our adventures have been both far and near.
Gliding, birdwatching, musicals, Bastille Day
Lawn bowls, Dry July, Tavern nights and an art display
Our members have been able to undertake skills training
First Aid, Leadership and even introduction to Rogaining
Our paddle program has been well supported
By those who like to sit on the water
Whether they be on dams, weirs or rivers
In sunshine, fog or rainy shivers
Ably led by Avenel, Roz and Pat
White caps on the water – no thanks – it has to be flat!
Cycling popularity is on the rise
Maybe because of the use of the EBike
They ride along the roads and the trails
Knowing the battery will kick in when their legs start to fail
The long hikers have been to QLD, Grampians and Bogong High Plains
Walked the wharf to wharf and drove back again
They have walked on tracks over rocks and hills
Using their navigational and leadership skills
Members can read about and have a look
At these adventures & pictures when they are put on facebook.
Tuesday walks program continues to be
Our most attended and popular activity
The popularity of this event has really hit the spot
But too many numbers – oh what a problem we have got!
Where we go and what we see
Doesn’t really matter as long as there is coffee
The highlight of the year would have to be
The success of the Combined Clubs event we hosted by the sea
Inverloch really turned on its charms and its grace
But Bev’s basket of homemade goodies won first place
Our membership base continues to increase
The website doing its job means our numbers wont decrease
Due to our varied event calendar
There is plenty on offer for one to consider
We continue to need leaders and members to volunteer
Their time and commitment to run our program each year
Ian again has presided in the chair
This is not a stressful job, despite the colour of his hair
He has been well supported by all on the executive
With lots of ideas and thoughts to keep everything in perspective
So if you want to step up and be part of the fold
You can do it – just be brave and bold
Good company, friends and companionships
Have made this club the success that it is
Plenty of laughter, chatter and lots of smiles
On our adventures as we clock up the miles
May we continue to explore the areas we want to see
But the most important part is the time spent between us and we.
Robyn Scott
Poet and Zealot