Hoddle Trail: Mt. Nicoll, an oldie AND a goodie!
HIkers: Michelle, Graham, Katrina, David, Frithjof, Robert, Wayne and Jo
Today’s walk was inspired by the upcoming Flinders Island enthusiasts who were keen to get some k’s into their legs before tackling Mt. Strzelecki next week, one of the challenging highlights on Flinders Island.
We departed Fish Creek at 9am in ideal walking conditions. The rail trail provided terrific shade and an easy gradient before we headed off on the recently mowed Hoddle Track. Hooray, at least it gave us a chance to spot any unwelcome serpents. The kissing gates were denied any passion, however the group proceeded in good humour and at a very good pace. Up or down, made no difference, the group was on a roll and made great time throughout the day. That’s not to say that we didn’t welcome the occasional drink stop, morning tea at the mandatory quarry exit gate and another good glug after the slog up the endless hill. Surprisingly it didn’t seem as bad as anticipated, and for Katrina who knew no different, it appeared to be a breeze anyway.
The weather was mostly on our side today. It was most welcomed when it clouded over during our early lunch on the picnic settings overlooking the Prom, and when we were on the road to the rail trail after traversing the beautiful forest to Mt Nicoll.
It was an almost uneventful day until an echidna was spotted, followed later by a white-lipped snake. Research informs us that although slight in size, this short, slender snake has short fangs and is venomous. It is one of the most cold-adapted snakes in Australia, surviving at high altitudes and southern latitudes where few other snake species live. It is one of the 3 snakes found in Tasmania and is even found above the snow line at Mt. Kosciusko. Well done to the spotter today who noticed it on the rail trail, an easy object to obliviously walk past.
Our very enjoyable hike today was finished by 1.30pm, and after a good chat in the shelter we all happily headed home. Many thanks to Frithjof for not only reminding us about carrying sufficient water at the start, but for supplying extra drink bottles for others if required. Of course, many thanks to Michelle and Graham for leading the walk, hopefully the first of many for Michelle!