Happy New Year and welcome to 2025. Tuesday walks have now started with a beach walk at Harmers Haven led by Val McDonald, a lovely walk easing back into our Tuesday walk routine for the new year.
The walk for this week, Vincent and Jo's tracks, headed into the beautiful virgin bushland of Mirboo North. A little bush bashing was encountered. There were 21 walkers in our group today. The group had to work a little bit harder up steeper inclines of Vincents track. Consequently, chatter was quieter as the group focused on this aspect as the walk progressed. After passing through natural bushland we encountered Pine plantations that shaded the track as well as welcoming cool breezes that provided relief to all. The challenges also included climbing over and through fallen trees which was fun, and steep decents on our return to the starting point.
After finishing our lovely walk we returned to Mirboo North for a well deserved morning tea/lunch at Lamezleighs.
Thanks to Joy Downes for organising and leading our walk.
Author: Sue Fitzgerald